John Muir – “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”
Feeling cooped up lately? Lets get moving and enjoy the great outdoors! Just getting outdoors in the sun can increase mitochondria functioning. So many chronic conditions can be eased with more sun exposure. Most Americans lack the proper amount of vitamin D. Supplementing D can help but nothing can really replace good old fashion rays!
Adding Kratom and getting outside is a super easy way to increase quality of living. Walking long distances or ‘Hiking’ for you yuppies is the oldest homosapien pastime. For good reason our bodies are designed for nomadic wandering and long distance walking. With our attention span decreasing as technology and instant gratification increases we find it harder and harder to go on long distance walks. Here are our tips to get outside and get you the proper exposure.
Tip #1 Take a little Kratom before a hike. This can take the edge off any nagging aches and pains that may hold you back. The energetic effects of Kratom can power you to really get out there.
Tip #2 Download a book on tape or Podcast. Then set a goal of a few chapters or maybe an entire podcast. Getting lost in a story or learning are great ways to occupy our overstimulated brains and get in a rhythm. Kratom can also help you focus and to retain what you are listening to.
Tip #3 After a few months of wearing wingtips and Uggs our feet turn into loafs of sourdough bread. Soft and easily crunched. Wearing proper footwear may be the low hanging fruit to address first. Don’t plan on setting land speed records on an endurance hike in some shoes without arches. Go to your local running shop have your foot measured for the proper walking shoes. Good walking shoes are an investment in your health.
Health is wealth! Let us know what you like to do to get outside below!
Tip: Seeing new and unusual things can heal your brain.
This Apollo 8 reentry photograph was taken by a U.S. Air Force ALOTS (Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracking System) camera mounted on a KC-135A aircraft flown at 40,000 ft altitude. Apollo 8 splashed down at 10:15 a.m., December 27, 1968, in the central Pacific approximately 1,000 miles South-Southwest of Hawaii.
Love to take a little Kratom and go on long hikes in our incredible National Parks. Joshua Tree is my personal pick!